Sunday, June 27, 2010

Trip to Jakarta (Part 2)

Masih ada cerita di hari berikutnya. Kita nginep di rumah Putri Permatasari di Bekasi. Sekitar jam 11 pagi, kita siap berangkat ke Jakarta. Pertamanya, naik angkot 15A dan turun di stasiun. Beli tiket dulu buat pulang ke Bandung besoknya, terus kita beli tiket ke Senen naik kereta yang AC Ekonomi, harga: Rp 4.500. (Gue tidur, bo, di kereta..*penting banget*)
Nyampe Pasar Senen, kita liat–liat baju–baju kayak di gedebage gitu.. Yah, gitu doang sih belanja. Next trip: Monas. Tebak kita dari Senen ke sana naik apa? Bajaj! Ayey! Harga: Hmm, awalnya si abang bajaj nawarin Rp 20.000, tapi kita tawar jadi Rp 15.000. Karena kita bertiga, jadi satu orang bayar Rp. 5000. Cukup kok 1 bajaj bertiga, ni liat fotonya:

Keliatan kagak tuh, di kaca spion?! Nah, udah ye, kite nyampe nie di MONAS.

Awalnya kita bingung kan, muter-muter, di mana entrance nya?? Untung ada bapak – bapak yang ngasih tau. Thanks, Sir! Tiket masuk: Students à Rp 1000, akhirnya, tunjukkanlah Kartu Mahasiswa mu! Tapi itu belum sama naik ke puncak, kalau mau naik bayar lagi Rp 3500. Sayang, kita gak naik ke puncak, abisnya ngantrinya panjang gila.. Nanti deh kapan – kapan kalo kita ke sana lagi, insya Allah.
Setelah itu... Keliatannya Istiqlal deket nie, tinggal nyebrang doang? Solat di sana yok, ayooookk! Jalan deh kita, ujan – ujan ke sana, nanya sana sini dimana gerbangnya. Gerbang pertama: ditutup. Kayaknya bukan yang ini gerbangnya. Nanya lagi kita, kemudian jalan lagi, dengan gembiranya gue nemu gerbang yang lain, deket halte busway dan depan gedung Pertamina. Ternyata... ditutup juga! Lah, gimana ni, gak boleh solat kita?? Ya uda deh, pulang aja nyok naik busway. Harga: Rp 3500 kemana pun anda pergi (Ya iyalah, lo pikir angkot). *Terakhir kali gue naik busway di Salemba juga 3.500, berarti gak naik ya harganya*
Ada sedikit insiden kecil saat kita naik bus. Di halte Istiqlal sebenernya cuma ada kita bertiga, kita tunggu lah tu bus dengan santai dan khusus gue, sambil makan gorengan ujan – ujan gitu.. Nyam nyam.. :9 Akhirnya bus datang, kita udah siap – siap di pintu, ternyata bus nya penuh dan Putri masuk duluan, ketika gue ma Ismy mau masuk, dihalangin dong ama si kondektur. Putri mau keluar lagi kan, tapi pintu busnya keburu ditutup dan dengan poker face nya si bus berangkat meninggalkan kita berdua yang tak tau menau tentang Jakarta. Gue bengong, dan baru sadar waktu disenggol pintu halte yang mau nutup tapi kebuka lagi gara – gara gue. Datanglah bus kedua, dalam keadaan masih bingung, kita naik. Nyampe di halte Djuanda (hebat kan gue masih inget nama haltenya..), di sana ternyata Putri sedang menunggu bus kita (bagus, nak..) dan langsung naik ketika melihat kerudung kuning nya Ismy. Nah, dari halte ini, wahai kawan – kawan, kita bisa melihat dengan jelas pintu gerbang mesjid Istiqlal yang terbuka dengan lebar. Ternyata memang boleh solat kok di situ.
Lanjut... busway berjalan membawa kita melewati gedung – gedung kementrian, *berusaha keras untuk tidak menambah kata ‘sihir’ setelahnya*, dan kita turun di halte Harmoni. Tapi kita langsung ngantri lagi buat naik busway lain ke Pulo Gadung. Setelah nyampe pulogadung, kita naik angkot 45. Ni angkot ajib loh. Bentuknya sih angkot biasa, tapi segede elep. Kursi – kursi di dalemnya juga kayak angkot, cuman ada tambahan tiga kursi pendek di tengah. Setelah Ismy berhitung, ternyata angkot ini bisa muat untuk 25 penumpang. Duh, gak ada fotonya ya, riweuh sih, dan angkot 45 ini memang tidak masuk dalam rencana wisata kita jadi gak kepikiran buat foto. (Gue tidur lagi dengan nyenyak di angkot.. *Penting! Mohon dicatat*)
P.S. : Thanks to Sari Yuli Lestari dan Ismy Fauziah Ainun for the photographs and the videos. And to Putri Permatasari for everything. Love ya!
Trip To Jakarta (Part 1)

Berangkat dari stasiun Bandung hari Jumat tanggal 18 Juni sekitar jam 14.30 dan nyampe bekasi entah jam berapa, pokoknya kita berangkat ke PRJ sebelum isya.. Let's check out our train first! Kita naik kereta bisnis eksekutif, harganya Rp 30.000 per tiket.

Bukan bermaksud narsis, tapi emang lupa mau foto keretanya --" Ya sutra lah ya.. Ini perjalanan pertama gue naik kereta, and that was amazing. Menembus pegunungan, terowongan, dan pemandangannya tuh oke banget. Emang gak se-oke di Harry Potter atau Narnia, tp lumayan keren lah buat gue. SSssst.. ada air terjunnya! Hmm, jadi pengen ke King’s Cross.

Dan Alhamdulillah kita nyampe Bekasi dalam keadaan utuh dan selamat :) Setelah mandi dan sebagainya, berangkat deh kita ke PRJ Kemayoran, sekitar se jam dari Bekasi. Tiket masuk: Rp 20.000

Ini bukan cuma tiket masuk, tapi juga bisa dituker sama donat, buat voucher juga, banyak pokoknya, noh ada kan di bagian belakangnya.

Ini udah agak malem, jadi agak sepi.

This is it! Khas PRJ : Snack Time, harga Rp. 5000, isi 5 snack yang berbeda - beda.

Setelah puas jalan - jalan, kita nonton konser. Waktu itu artisnya ada Geisha ama Sheila On 7. Gak begitu rame sih pas konsernya Geisha, yang rame itu pas SO7 maen, penontonnya juga tambah banyak. Duta gokil abis deh.. Apa itu "piyik - piyik" ? Kedengerannya sih, kayaknya anak ayam.

Geisha nyayi delapan lagu berturut – turut. Diakhiri dengan lagu yang telah membuat mereka terkenal : Jika Cinta Dia.

Juga ada video konser Sheila On 7, udah ada yang upload ke Youtube rupanya. Tadinya gue mau upload video punya Sari Yuli Lestari. Well, Check it out!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

What Happened with You And My Jacket??*


(17 JUNE 2010)

IT WAS FUN!! This movie is totally awesome. It truely is! I'm not dissapointed to watch Karate Kid instead of Toy Story 3, because we were in between them at the time, and Karate Kid won. By the way, actually, what people wanted so much from Toy Story 3? I really don't know. In my mind, I guess it's gonna be the same as Shrek 4, which the plot is not much different from the previous series. What do they want? Entertainment? Probably not, because you'll get it in Karate Kid and perhaps you'll even have it much more entertaining. I really laughed, you know. I didn't laugh that much watching recent movies. Karate Kid is an epic.

The story is about Xiao Dre (that's how Mr. Han calls Dre). He really hates moving to China, but he and his mother have to move because of mother's job. Cheng makes Dre hate it more. Everytime they meet, he and his Kung Fu gang always make a mess with him firstly because Dre has a crush on Mei Ying. It becomes worse when Dre knows that he's in the same school with Cheng and the gang. In Cheng's Kung Fu school, Master Li teaches his students to show no mercy to enemies. That's totally wrong and Mr. Han knows that. Then Han and Li make a deal that brings Dre to a Kung Fu tournament against the participants (but we already know in the final, Dre has to defense against Cheng). Mr. Han himself, the Kung Fu master who never teaches anyone, teaches Dre the 'right ' Kung Fu and it really works.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?? That the title should be 'Kung Fu Kid' not 'Karate Kid'? Ya, whatever, it doesn't matter actually... This is the first Jackie Chan's film I watch, I don't like asian movies, and now I just realize that JC is really really cool though he looks old. But, this film shows too much violances, that's the only thing I hate.You know, whenever Dre was bullied, my mind was screaming like, " Somebody, please help!! Isn't there anyone there?!". But Kung Fu film is not going to be good without fighting and punching, so again, it doesn't matter :D . Oh, wait, there's one thing that bothers me so much. In My Name Is Khan, Sam is striken in one time with frequent punches and a ball strike, then he's dead. But Dre is striken in more than one time with some Kung Fu movements which seem horrifying and he's always still alive. I wonder how a 12-year-old kid can survive from the strikes. Oh, movies...

Overall, this film is really funny, entertaining, and touching. I hardly held my tears in the scene where Mr. Han broke his own car and told Dre about his daughter. And everytime Dre seems to cry, I do too. I can't ever stand it seeing a boy cries, never.. Did you read my review about My Name Is Khan?

And when Dre defeats Cheng in the tournament, It's the coolest thing I've ever seen, I was singing 'I will fight till forever...' again and again, though Dre almost cries or he really cries, I don't know.. T.T, so the feeling was complicated actually. We applaused in the moment, I wanted it to be standing applause but it's just not possible.

Now let's talk about the very last ending. Just 4 words: I Don't Like It. What I'm talking is the scene where Cheng and the gang kick his master out and turn to respect Master Han. It's kinda usual, I often see an ending like that. But for million times I say, it doesn't matter. The awesomeness of the whole performances can cover all the flaws.

After the end, finally, the song plays................................!! Never Say Never!!! Gosh, I love that song so much. It's just an addition for the awesomeness of the movie. Started by Jay Sean's Do You Remember (If I’m not mistaken, coz I forgot) and ended by JB & Jsmith's Never Say Never. Great!

*And about the title above, if you wanna know why I gave that title, just watch the movie! ^^

Oh, wait!! Once again let me tell you that I'm not a huge fan of JB. Keep it on mind.

"Being still and do nothing are two different things" - Mr. Han -

"Nothing on earth isn't cool if you can master it" - Mr.Han -

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Only Good And Bad

My Name Is Khan
My Name Is Khan is a Hindie movie directed by Karan Johan and produced by Dharma Productions, released in theatres on February 12th 2010. This movie has got good responds from public and became the highest-grossing Bollywood film.
The story is about the venture of Rizwan Khan (Shahrukh Khan) to meet President of USA with flashback. The flashback begins with Rizwan Khan’s childhood where he lived with his beloved mother and little brother, Zakir Khan (Jimmy Shergill). Both Khans are moslems. Rizwan has a kind of autism but he’s genius, he can repair almost anything and his mother is like taking care of him so much that makes Zakir envious. But, in the future, Zakir goes to America for a scholarship and marries Haseena (Sonya Jehan). After their mother dies, Rizwan leaves Bombay and goes to San Fransisco to live with his brother. There, Haseena finds that Rizwan has Asperger's syndrome.
But, what kind of bollywood is it without romance? When Rizwan is doing his job for Zakir, he meets Mandira (Kajol) a Hindu widow with a young son, Sameer or Sam (Yuvaan Makaar). Mandira is Rizwan’s deepest love, so they get married and they have a close neighbor, The Garrick family.
The crisis comes with the September 11th attacks on Twin Tower in New York City. Khan family goes down, the friendship between Sam and Reese Garrick (young son of Mark and Sarah Garrick) turns bad following the death of Mark in doing his job in the middle of the war in Afghanistan. Reese blames Sam because of his moslem identity in his family name. Sam tries to make it up but it ends with his death. He is bullied by older students, which has relation with Reese, when he’s trying to talk to Reese and he dies. Mandira is quite sad and blames herself for marrying a moslem and tells Rizwan to go away and never come back unless he can tell all people and the President of the United States that he’s not a terrorist and neither is Sam. And Rizwan really goes to meet the President to say, “My name is Khan, and I’m not a terrorist.”
This movie presents complex issues, like religion riots, humanity, terrorism, friendship, and the strength of love. I can see that terrorism is not the main issue of this film, it’s more likely about humanity. It’s Khan’s principle that there are only two kind of people in this world, good and bad, no matter what the religion is. Even he marries a Hindu woman though in his origin country there is a kind of strained situation between Hindu and Moslem. I think that’s the most emphasized message that the film tries to tell us. And the film also shows how the humanity crisis is getting worse after the 9/11 attacks. Moslem people are not safe in America, it’s like all moslems are responsible for the attacks, it doesn’t matter if the victim must be an innocent kid like Sam.
What I adore from Hindie movies is that they never fail to make me cry wether at the middle or at the end of the movie. There is one scene that touches me so much in this film. I know that everybody will cry in the scene that Sam died and Mandira screamed to Rizwan but for me it’s nothing than this one, it’s when Reese tried so hard to stop the older students from torturing Sam and protected him but he couldn’t because he was tied up, he could only scream telling them to stop. And when Sam was dying, Reese wanted to help, he didn’t want to leave the dying Sam but he was forced to leave. I mean, Reese was still avoiding Sam at the time, and what touches me is the efforts that Reese made to protect Sam. Bestfriend never really hates you. Unfortunately, Sam didn’t have much time to see that.
Overall, this movie is very touching, many knowledges you’ll gain, at least you’ll know what is Asperger’s Syndrome. You may often see Shahrukh Khan as a cool man, a gentleman, but this time you’ll see him as an autism and his acting is quite brilliant.
It’s just a little awkward when Mandira’s laugh is exaggerated to show us that Rizwan loves that laugh. I know it’s so Hindies but to me the laugh is weird, it becomes not beautiful. Perhaps it’s going to be better if they replace it with just a smile or just Mandira’s speaking sound. Well, that’s what I think.

NB: baru bikin review nya sekarang, tadinya malah gak akan bikin review kalo bukan tugas salah satu matkul.. :)

Playing All The Time

Shontelle - Impossible

Yea, that's impossible not to like this song. THOUSANDS THUMBS UP FOR SHONTELLE!! I'm kinda trembled when i'm listening to this song, the words are so deep .. stuck into your heart!! (a bit exaggerating, I know --" ). You just need to listen to this song.

And my 'nowplaying' is JBieber's Never Say Never. It's good to listen too. ... Okay, MAJOR good, actually..!! You know what, I'm not a big fan of this cutie Justin Bieber, but his songs are quiet nice in my ears and almost all his songs in his album, My World 2.0, do exist in my playlist. Beside Never Say Never, I'm also now listening to Never Let You Go and Favorite Girl. It's weird singing his songs, because it's all about girl, and think I'm not gonna sing it in front of people..