23 November 2010
Just watched HP7 Part 1 in theatre and got an annoying news.
Okay, seems like I'm not the only one who's not that interested in seeing the H/Hr dancing scene. Yates deleted a tender and light R/Hr scene, because he said it's too light and they don't have enough duration. But He can find time for that stupid H/Hr dance for LIGHTNESS (like what he said). Come on, who's the couple! What do you think will happen to H/Hr, they're dancing while ron is not there. I've been disappointed since the first time I heard that there would be that dancing scene. And even more disappointed now after knowing that a great R/Hr scene is deleted. But thank God the scene is on the DVD which is going to be released someday in April 2011.
I do think, Yates is not that into the books. (:
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