Saturday, November 27, 2010

23 November 2010

Just watched HP7 Part 1 in theatre and got an annoying news.

Okay, seems like I'm not the only one who's not that interested in seeing the H/Hr dancing scene. Yates deleted a tender and light R/Hr scene, because he said it's too light and they don't have enough duration. But He can find time for that stupid H/Hr dance for LIGHTNESS (like what he said). Come on, who's the couple! What do you think will happen to H/Hr, they're dancing while ron is not there. I've been disappointed since the first time I heard that there would be that dancing scene. And even more disappointed now after knowing that a great R/Hr scene is deleted. But thank God the scene is on the DVD which is going to be released someday in April 2011.
I do think, Yates is not that into the books. (:
Ceritanya Kok Kamu Banget...

Kalau kamu suka nulis, terutama nulis cerita fiksi pasti pernah ngerasain malu dibaca orang, terutama orang terdekat karena ceritanya tuh hampir seluruhnya mirip banget sama yang kamu alami. Takut sendiri ama yang bakal kamu dengar dari temen - temen kamu. Karena biasanya mereka bakal bilang, " Wah, ini mah ceritanya lo banget ya! Hihihi." atau, " Hmm.. Si dodi di novel lo ini pasti maksudnya si Rido mantan lo itu deh!" Aduuuuuuuhhh, males banget gak sih denger komentar - komentar yang kayak gitu! Dan sebelnya lagi, siapa lagi coba yang bakal kamu mintain baca ceritamu yang belum di publish itu kalau bukan orang - orang terdekat kamu.. Huft..

Tapi sebelum kamu merasa malu, coba deh baca bibliografi penulis fiksi favorit kamu dan bandingkan dengan karya tulisannya. Pasti ada deh, sesedikit apapun, yang bakal bikin kamu "Ohhh gitu.." "Ohh ternyata Hermione kutu buku itu karena emang JK Rowling nya dulu juga kutu buku.."

Bahkan, jika kamu baca bukunya Meg Cabot yang Size 12 Is Not Fat, di bagian belakangnya Cabot menceritakan kisah - kisah masa lalunya yang memang dia implikasikan ke dalam novelnya. Intinya, masa lalu dia, dia tuliskan tapi dengan karakter bernama Heather Wells dan dengan dibubuhi cerita imajinasinya.

So, awal - awalnya emang gak enak, tapi kalau fiksi kamu berhasil diterbitkan, orang luar sana yang baca nggak akan ngeh juga kali.

Dan dengan menulis berdasarkan apa yang pernah kita alami atau apa yang pernah kita rasakan, pasti banyak yang pengen ditulis dan menulisnya pun penuh gairah.

So, feel free to write! ;)

Monday, November 01, 2010

What's Written in The Stars ??

Ok, That's probably weird. I watched this video in one of tv channel and I just liked it, I didn't even know who Tinie Tempah and Eric Turner were.  Let me introduce them then :)

Tinie Tempah is an English rapper from South London. His original name is Patrick Okogwu. This song, Written in The Stars, is a single taken from his debut album Discovery. See the picture of him below.

Eric Turner is an american singer/songwriter who looks like a rocker XD and who's also a teacher, that's what I read. He actually contributes in a band called 'Street Fighting Man' as the lead singer. Written in The Stars was written by him :) And err, I couldn't find any picture of him, but you can see him in the video above, right.. :)
And about the song.. I don't know. I like the song, for sure. It's a great song. But honestly, this song reminds me of Eminem's Love The Way You Lie and B.O.B's Airplanes. Musically, they might be different, but the order is the same. Maybe that's how the rap songs work, anyway.. :)